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Fishbaugh Family Eyecare

Fishbaugh Family Eyecare

What does your business provide the local area?
Our company provides the highest quality eyecare with the latest technology in the industry to allow the management of all eye diseases for all ages including fashionable eyewear, sunwear and latest contact lens technology. As well as the latest in refractive surgical and non-surgical innovations.

What is your favorite part about servicing the St. Henry area?
Our office likes working with the great people with great moral, ethic and values.

What is your company motto?
"Your Vision is our Specialty, Our Vision is Your Future"

Has your company recently had any big milestones?
20 years of practicing in St. Henry

Do you have any upcoming events available for the public to attend?
Quarterly sales, promotions and giveaways

St Henry Chamber of Commerce Business Spotlight.